Murad: Skin Smoothing Polish

Če ste prebrali mojo zadnjo objavo, potem ste videli, da sem bila kar nezadovoljna s pilingom za obraz od Soap&Glory in da sem bila v iskanju novega. Konec prejšnjega leta sem pri eni tuji vlogerki slučajno naletela na tega od Murada in sem se kljub malo višji ceni odločila poskusiti s tem.

If you read my last post then you saw that I was quite unsatisfied with the Soap&Glory face exfoliator and that I was in the search for a new one. I saw this Murad exfoliator being used by a foreign vlogger at the end of last year and I decided to try it out despite the slightly higher price tag.

Embalaža je plastična tuba, ki drži 100ml produkta. Je prozorna kar mi je všeč, saj tako vedno vidim koliko produkta je še notri. Sam produkt je rožnate barve, izredno goste konsistence in nežnega vonja, ki se ga skoraj ne zazna.

The packaging is a plastic tube that holds 100ml of product. It’s clear which I like so I can always see how much product is left inside. The product itself is rosey colored with a really thick consistency and a delicate scent which is almost undetectable.

Murad trdi, da gre za bogat in kremast nežen piling, ki čisti pore in razkriva zdravo polt. Mikro polirne kroglice odstranijo nečistoče, ki so se nabrale na koži in odmrle kožne celice, kislina, pridobljena iz granatnega jabolka, pa oža pore.

Murad claims that this is a rich and creamy soft scrub that cleanses the pores and reveals a healthy complexion. The micro polishing beads remove impurities that have accumulated on the skin as well as dead skin cells, the pomegranate acid shrinks the pores.

Pri uporabi izstisnem na roko količino lešnika in začnem masirati na umit in vlažen obraz. Nanesem ga na cel obraz, najbolj pa se osredotočim na čelo, nos in predel okoli nosu in brado, torej območja, ki so zame najbolj problematična. Piling je dovolj grob, da imam občutek da svoje delo tudi dobro in učinkovito opravi, vendar pa ne pregrob, da bi kožo poškodoval. Prav tako mi je všeč, da kože ne izsuši. Koža je po uporabi mehka in gladka, na koži ne pušča filma. Kar se ožanja por tiče pa v te stvari ne verjamem, prav tako so moje pore izredno velike in globoke, tako da jim ni več pomoči. 🙂

While using the exfoliator I take a hazelnut sized amount on my hand and start massaging my freshly washed and moist face. I put it all over the face mostly focusing it on my forehead, nose and around the nose and chin, so the areas that are the most problematic for me. The exfoliator is rough enough that I have the feeling it does it’s job good and efficiently but not too rough to damage the skin. I also like the fact that it doesn’t dry out my skin. The skin is left feeling soft and smooth without leaving a film on it. When it comes to shrinking the pores I don’t really believe in this kind of claims and also my pores are extremely huge and deep so nothing can help them anymore. 🙂

Piling uporabljam enkrat na teden in do zdaj sem ga v parih mesecih porabila izredno malo, tako da se kljub malo višji ceni vseeno izplača, saj traja in traja. Piling bom sigurno še kupila, razen če me bo zamikalo, da poskusim kaj novega. Zaenkrat sem zelo zadovoljna in ga z veseljem uporabljam. Kupila sem ga na Lookfantastic strani in zanj odštela 32,95€.

I use the exfoliator once a week and so far in a few months I used a tiny little bit so despite the higher price tag it last a long time so I’ll probably buy the exfoliator again unless if I’ll be tempted to try something new. For now I’m really pleased with it and I like using it. I bought it on the Lookfantastic site and paid 32,95€ for it.

Radi se imejte in veliko se smejte! 😉


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