Moji najljubši izdelki leta 2016 #2


Še druga skupina najljubših produktov je tukaj in sicer je to skupina negovalnih produktov za telo, obraz in lase za leto 2016. Če vas zanimajo moji top produkti, ki spadajo v skupino ličil pa klik TUKAJ. Pa začnimo. 🙂

Here is the second group of my favorite products, namely the group for body, face and hair care products for the year 2016. If you are interested in the make-up group with my top products then just click HERE. Let’s start. 🙂


Če spremljate moj blog že dalj časa, potem veste, da sem enostavno obsedena z Lushevimi kopalnimi kroglami in tudi zato težko izberem samo eno, saj so mi skoraj vse izredno všeč. Zato omenjam kar vse. Kopanje z njimi je veliko bolj zabavno, dišeče in prijetno, zato če se radi kopate vam priporočam, da obiščete Lushevo trgovino ali spletno stran in izberete vsaj eno zase. Na blogu boste našli veliko ocen zato v iskalnik vpišite samo Lush in tako boste dobili povezavo do vseh ocen.


If you follow my blog for a longer time then you know that I’m simply obsessed with Lush bath bombs and that’s also why it’s hard for me to choose only one because I love almost all of them. Therefore I’m mentioning all of them. Bathing with them is a lot more fun, fragrant and more fun so if you like taking baths I recommend you visit a Lush store or their website and choose one for yourself. You will find a lot of reviews of the bath bombs on the blog so just type Lush in the search bar and you’ll get links to all of the reviews.


Čeprav jo uporabljam šele kakšne 3 mesece pa je definitivno moja najljubša in najboljša krema za oči do sedaj. Sestavine so vrhunske, koža pod očmi pa je bila navlažena in veliko lepša že po kakem tednu uporabe. Razlika je predvsem očitna in vidna pri nanosu ličil, korektor se več ne poseda v gubice, kar je bilo prej skoraj neizbežno. Krema se hitro vpije, ni mastna, se zelo lepo razmaže in je super hranljiva in vlažilna. Jaz jo definitivno priporočam in še jo bom kupila.


Although I’ve been only using it for a few months this is definitely my favorite and best eye cream I ever used. The ingredients are amazing and the skin under my eyes was moisturized and much nicer after only about a week of using it. The difference is particularly evident and visible while applying make-up, the concealer no longer sits in my fine lines which was previously almost inevitable. The cream absorbs quickly, it isn’t greasy, spreads easily and is super nourishing and moisturizing. I definitely recommend it and I will buy it again.


Čeprav mi je od Lusha všeč večina svežih mask za obraz pa vonja te kavne maske nobena ne prekaša, zato je tudi moja najljubša. Z masko naredim tudi piling obraza, kar je zame vedno plus. Vonj se na koži obdrži kar nekaj časa, koža je čista, navlažena in nahranjena jaz pa zadovoljna. Masko sem tudi že ocenila na blogu, ki se nahaja TUKAJ.


Although I like most fresh face masks from Lush none of the other ones beats the smell of this coffee mask and that’s why this one is my favorite. I exfoliate with this mask as well which is a plus in my book. The scent stays on the skin for a while, the skin is clean, moisturized and nourished and I’m happy. I already reviewed the mask on the blog and you can find the review HERE.


Moji nohti so se pred tem lakom lomili mesec za mesecem. Imam namreč izredno trde a krhke nohte. Tole sem kupila predvsem zato, ker je poceni in če ne bi delovalo bi pač poskusila nekaj drugega. A deluje. Moji nohti se več ne lomijo. Lak uporabim vedno kot podlak, uporabljam pa ga tudi samega, saj da nohtom lep sijaj. Če se vam nohti lomijo in so krhki vam res priporočam tale negovalni lak. Oceno laka najdete TUKAJ.


Prior to this nail polish my nails used to break month after month. I have really hard but brittle nails. I bought this mainly because it is cheap and if it wouldn’t work I would just try something else. But it works. My nails don’t break anymore. I always use the nail polish as a base but I also use it by itself cause it gives my nails a nice shine. If you have brittle nails and they break easily then I recommend this nail polish. You can find the review HERE.


Od tega izdelka nisem veliko pričakovala a sedaj ne morem brez njega. Konice naredi res sijoče in lepe a ne težke ali mastne. Uporabim ga po vsakem umivanju na spodnji polovici las. Nanesem kar zajetno količino, saj je produkt res lahek in se hitro vpije pa še lepo diši. Ker ga imam še čisto malo že planiram nakup novega. Za bolj natančno oceno pa klik TUKAJ.


I didn’t expect much from this product but now I can’t live without it. It really makes my ends nice and shiny but not heavy or greasy. I use it after every wash on the lower half of my hair. I apply quite a lot because the product is really light and absorbs quickly and it smells good as well. Because I have a tiny little bit left I’m already planning on buying a new one. For a more accurate review click HERE.


Tale deodorant sem kupila čisto po naključju, ko sem pregledovala ponudbo v Travel Free Shopu. Ker nimam težav z neprijetnimi vonjavami sem vedela, da ne more biti zgrešen nakup. Ne samo da nakup ni bil zgrešen, to je bil zadetek v polno. Vonj je zelo nežen a ženstven in meni čudovit. Ker je deodorant s kroglico je seveda sam produkt tekoč in sama rada počakam preden se oblečem, da deodoranta ne pobrišem z oblačili. Deodorant diši še zvečer ko grem pod tuš in tudi zato mi je všeč. Vmes sem poskusila še novega od Nuxe-a v rumeni embalaži, ampak mi je bil vonj izredno neprijeten, zato sem se vrnila k temu. Deodorant priporočam vsem, ki si želite nekaj bolj naravnega in nežnega.


I bought this deodorant by accident while I was checking the offer in the Travel Free Shop. Because I don’t have problems with body odors I knew that it was a good purchase. Not only was the purchase good it was perfect. The scent is very delicate but feminine and I love it. Because it’s a roll-on deodorant the product itself is liquid and I like to wait before I put on my clothes on so I don’t wipe it off. I can still smell the deodorant in the evening before taking a shower and that’s also why I love it. I also tried the new one from Nuxe in the yellow packaging but I really didn’t like the scent so I came back to this one. I recommend it to everyone that wants something more natural and gentle.


Napisala sem micelarna nasplošno, ker uporabljam Sensibio in Hydrabio izmenično. Obe sta mi zelo dobri in dobro opravita svoje delo, ki je da kožo očistita in osvežita a sta hkrati izredno nežni do kože in je ne izsušujeta. Tudi ličila oziroma ostanke ličil dobro odstranita. Uporabljam ju po umivanju obraza z gelom in pred kremo za obraz. Sensibio mi je mogoče malenkost bolj všeč a kot sem napisala obe rada uporabljam. Ne bom ju na dolgo in široko ocenjevala saj ju že sigurno vsi poznate. V glavnem jaz ju priporočam vsem za dnevno nego obraza.


I wrote micellar in general because I use Sensibio and Hydrabio alternately. I like both of them and they do their job efficiently which is to clean and refresh the skin while being very gentle to the skin and doesn’t dry it out. They are also good at removing make-up from the skin. I use them after washing my face with a face gel and before using my facial cream. I like the Sensibio micellar slightly more but as I wrote already I like using them both. I won’t review them anymore because I’m sure you already know them. In general I recommend them for everyone for a daily facial care.

Spet nisem uspela nabrati 10 izdelkov a to je zato, ker se veliko izdelkov ponavlja od lani, predvsem Melvitine kreme (za telo in roke), Batiste suhi šampon je še vedno na seznamu kot tudi Nuxe Reve de Miel balzam za ustnice, brez katerega mi živeti ni, veliko produktov pa ne uporabljam dovolj dolgo, da bi jih lahko uvrstila na tale seznam. Vse izdelke, ki se ponavljajo, najdete na seznamu top produktov od lani, ki ga najdete tukaj. Katere nove negovalne produkte ste poskusili vi letos? Kateri so vam bili najbolj všeč?

Again I didn’t collect 10 products and that’s because there are a lot of products that are repeating from last year like the Melvita lotions (for body and hands), Batiste dry shampoo is still on the list as is Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm that I can’t live without and there are a lot of products I’m not using long enough to put on the list. You can find all the products that are repeating on the list of top products from last year here. Which new products have you tried this year? Which ones did you like the most?

Radi se imejte in veliko se smejte! 😉









5 thoughts on “Moji najljubši izdelki leta 2016 #2

    • Bioderma je res super, še posebej ker je nežna do kože. To ti ne bo žal. 😉 Lusheva maska pa je meni super a vsakemu verjetno ne bo odgovarjala. Mogoče pa lahko ob naslednjem obisku trgovine prosiš za kakšen tester da jo poskusiš preden bi se odločila za nakup. 🙂


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