John Frieda: Brilliant Brunette Lighter glow


Že zelo dolgo si nisem las barvala in počasi sem bila željna spremembe. Ravno takrat sem naletela na oceno tega izdelka pri eno vlogerki na Youtube-u. Hitro sem začela raziskovat in odločila sem se, da ga bom preizkusila.

It’s been a while since I dyed my hair and I was slowly eager to change that. Just then I came across a review on this product by a Youtube vlogger. I quickly began to explore and decided to try it out.


Posvetlitveni tretma je pakiran v škatli z navodili. Sama embalaža je iz dveh delov, iz razvijalca in iz aktivatorja, ki ju ščiti varovalo in še dodaten pokrov. Produkt je na eni strani prozoren, rahlo rumenkast, na drugi mlečno bel. Varovalo odrtgamo in izdelek izstisnemo na dlan, pomešamo ju ter nanesemo na mokre lase.

The lightening treatment is packed in a box with instructions. The packaging itself is a dual-pump applicator, one side developer and the other side activator, that are protected with a cover and a lid. The product is transparent on one side, a bit yellowy, on the other milky white. We tear off the cover and squirt the product on our palm, mix them together and apply to wet hair.


Levo/Left: Prej/Before, Desno/Right: Potem/After


Ista slika kot zgoraj a s filtrom, da se razlika boljše vidi. / Same picture as above but with filter so the difference is more noticeable.

Imam srednje dolge lase in porabila sem celo tubo, saj sem želela dobro premazati lase. Tretma se na laseh tudi delno speni, tako da ga je lažje raporedit po laseh. Jaz sem naredila isto, kot če bi lase umivala. Izdelek sem ga pustila delovati 5 minut. Nato sem si lase sprala z vodo in nadaljevala s šamponom in balzamom.

I have medium long hair and I used the whole tube, because I wanted to coat my hair really well. The treatment foams a bit on the hair, so it’s easier to spread it over the hair. I did the same as if I was washing my hair. I left the product on my hair for 5 minutes. Then I rinsed my hair with water and continued with shampoo and conditioner.


Levo/Left: Po prvem tretmaju/After first treatment, Desno/Right: Po drugem tretmaju/After second treatment

Ker izdelek vsebuje vodikov peroksid ima seveda tudi precej agresiven vonj, po barvi za lase. Frieda trdi, da bi naj tretma po eni uporabi posvetil lase za 1 odtenek. Ker so moji lasje res zelo temni, sem pričakovala res minimalno spremembo. Tako je tudi bilo. Lase mi je posvetlil le malenkost, najbolj opazno je bilo na soncu. Mogoče mi jih niti ni toliko posvetlilo, le spremenilo odtenek. Ker sem želela lase še malenkost bolj posvetliti, sem kupila še en tretma in ga znova uporabila po kakšnih dveh tednih. Tokrat razlike nisem opazila. Resda je slikano pod lučjo, v kopalnici, ne na naravni svetlobi a vseeno. Razlike po mojem mnenju ni bilo. Lasje so se sicer enakomerno posvetlili.

Since the product contains hydrogen peroxide it also has an aggressive scent, like hair color. Frieda states that the treatment is supposed to lighten the hair for 1 shade. Because my hair is really dark, I expected a minimal change. And so it was. The hair lightened just a little bit, it was mostly noticeable on the sun. Maybe it didn’t even lighten my hair, just changed the shade. Because I wanted to lighten them a bit more, I bought one more treatment and used it again after about two weeks. This time I didn’t notice a difference. It is however pictured under a light, in the bathroom, not in natural light but still. In my opinion there was no difference. The hair was evenly lighter though.

Priznam, da sem pričakovala mogoče malenkost večjo razliko, predvsem po drugem tretmaju. Lase mi ni skoraj nič poškodovalo, saj vedno uporabim negovalni balzam, tako da neke razlike nisem opazila. Lasje so le rahlo suhi potem, ko jih po tretmaju umijemo s šamponom, po nanosu balzama je spet vse pod kontrolo.

I admit that I expected a bigger change, especially after the second treatment. It didn’t damage my hair, because I always use a nourishing conditioner, so I didn’t see any difference. The hair was dry only right after the treatment, when I washed them with the shampoo, after applying the conditioner thing were back to normal.


Levo/Left: Pred tretmaji/Before treatments,     Desno/Right: Po drugem tretmaju/After second treatment

V isti liniji je sta še šampon in balzam za posvetlitev, ampak se bojim, da bi mi preveč poškodovalo lase, zato se nisem odločila za to. Izdelek sem kupila pri nas v Mullerju in zanj odštela okoli 12€. Glede na to, da barva za lase stane manj, se mi mogoče zdi predrago, po drugi strani pa je nanos izredno lahek in skoraj ne morete narediti nič narobe.

There is a shampoo and conditioner in the same line for lightening, but I’m afraid that it would damage my hair too much, so I didn’t decide to try them. I bought the product in Muller (Slovenia) and paid around 12€. Given the fact that hair color costs less, I think this may be too expensive, on the other hand, the application is super easy and you almost can’t do anything wrong.

Mogoče boste tisti z malo svetlejšimi lasmi, kot jih imam sama, bolj zadovoljni z rezultatom oziroma se vam bo bolj splačal nakup. Razmišljam pa o šamponu za posvetlitev od OGX (Organix) Lemon highlights. Ste že poskusili katerega od izdelkov Brilliant Brunette od John Friede? Kaj pa kakšne druge izdelke s podobnim namenom?

People with a bit lighter brown hair than me, may be more satisfied with the results or would benefit more from it. I’m thinking about a shampoo for lightening from OGX (Organix) Lemon highlights. Did you try any of the Brilliant Brunette products from John Frieda? What about any other products with a similar purpose?

Radi se imejte in veliko se smejte. 😉